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La Terraza - Washed Gesha

La Terraza - Washed Gesha

BAG ID: 001.4

region La Argentina, Huila, Colombia
farm La Terraza Estate
producer Argentina Juliana Guevara & Wbeimar Lasso
altitude 1850-1950 masl.
varietal Gesha
process washed, dried on raised beds
notes apricot, floral, orange, apple, caramel
profile sweet, clean, balanced
importer Royal Coffee

This is a traditional washed Gesha, processed with care and restraint. No experimental techniques, no fermentation acrobatics—just clarity, precision, and purity. Cherries are depulped, fermented for 36-48 hours, and dried mostly in the shade for 20-30 days. The profile is delicate yet vibrant, with lemongrass, rose, and orange blossom leading into notes of sweet apple, apricot, and bergamot, all wrapped in a warm caramel sweetness. 

La Terraza Estate

High in the hills of Huila, Colombia, Juliana Guevara and Wbeimar Lasso cultivate La Terraza, an estate dedicated to exceptional coffee. This husband-and-wife team, the minds behind Terraza Coffee, approach coffee with both precision and curiosity, blending generations of experience with a progressive outlook on cultivation and processing.

Wbeimar, a Colombian Cup Tasters Champion and agro-industrial engineer, is widely known for his meticulous approach to fermentation. His work has delivered some of the most unique and sought-after coffees from Huila, often showcasing the region’s potential in new and unexpected ways. Yet, in this case, it’s simplicity that reigns. 

La Terraza is more than a farm—it’s a variety garden, a place of experimentation and refinement. Alongside this Gesha, the estate cultivates Pink Bourbon, Typica, and Sidra, each selected and grown with the same level of intention. What began as a quiet offering in a sourcing project has now become a coffee presented with pride and confidence—a testament to the trust built between producer and roaster, and the enduring pursuit of quality.

What's in a name?

“Gesha” has long been a symbol of prestige, a signifier of excellence. A coffee that, by its very name, demands attention. But what if we let go of that? What if this coffee was simply an experience—unburdened by its reputation, free from its lineage, existing only in the cup in front of you?

This is a coffee that doesn’t need embellishment. It carries its own clarity.

You might find citrus, florals, and stone fruit—or something else entirely. It might surprise you. It might reaffirm what you already love. It might remind you why you started drinking coffee in the first place.

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